
- 姓名:符中秋
- 学历:理学博士
- 职称:实验师
- 电话:
- 邮箱:zqfu@bnu.edu.cn
2016-2021 北京师范大学 理学博士 凝聚态物理学
2012-2016 兰州大学 理学学士
2021.09-至今 北京师范大学珠海校区实验与实践创新教育中心 从事近代物理实验管理以及物理实验教学工作
1. Z.-Q.Fu, Y.-T. Pan, J.-J. Zhou, K.-K. Bai, D.-L. Ma, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, H.Jiang*, H. Liu*, and L. He*, “Relativisticartificial molecules realized by two coupled graphene quantum dots”.NanoLett. Vol: 20, PP. 6738 (2020).
2. Z.-Q.Fu, K. K. Bai, Y.-N. Ren, J.-J. Zhou, and L.He*, “Coulomb interaction in quasibound states of graphene quantum dots” Phys.Rev. B Vol: 101, PP. 235310(2020).
3. Z.-Q.Fu, Y. Zhang, J.-B. Qiao, D.-L. Ma, H.-W. Liu, Z.-H. Guo, Y.-C. Wei, J.-Y. Hu,Q. Xiao, X.-R. Mao, and L. He*,“Spatial confinement, magnetic localization and their interactions on masslessDirac fermions”. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 98, PP. 241401(Rapid Communications) (2018).
4. D.-L.Ma, Z.-Q. Fu (Co-first author), X. Sui, K.-K. Bai, J.-B.Qiao, C. Yan, Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Hu, Q. Xiao,X.-R. Mao, W. Duan, and L. He*, “Modulating theelectronic properties of graphene by self-organized sulfur identicalnanoclusters and atomic superlattices confined at an interface”. ACS Nano Vol: 12, PP. 10984 (2018).
5. Q. Yang, Y. Zhang*, Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Chen, Z.-F. Di, and L. He*, “Site-controlled creating of patterned nanoscale graphene quantum dots”. 2D Materials Vol: 9, 021002 (2022).
6. X.-F. Zhou, Y.-W. Liu, H.-Y. Yan, Z.-Q. Fu, H. Liu, L. He *, Electronic confinement in quantum dots of twisted bilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B Vol: 104,235417 (2021).
7. Y.-W.Liu, Y. Su, X.-F. Zhou, L.-J. Yin, C. Yan, S.-Y. Li, W. Yan, S. Han, Z.-Q. Fu.Y. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y.-N. Ren, and L. He*,“Tunable lattice reconstruction, triangularnetwork of chiral one-dimensional states and bandwidth of flat bands inmagic-angle twisted bilayer graphene”. Phys. Rev. Lett.Vol: 125, PP. 236102 (2020).
8. C. Yan, D. Ma, J. Qiao, H. Zhong, L. Yang, S.-Y.Li, Z.-Q. Fu, Y. Zhang, and L. He*,“Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the quasicrystalline 30otwisted bilayer graphene”. 2D Materials Vol: 6, PP. 045041 (2019).