
- 姓名:杨国健
- 学历:博士
- 职称:教授
- 电话:010-58808027
- 邮箱:yanggj@bnu.edu.cn
1. Tianhui Qiu and Guojian Yang*, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44 (2011), 215503. "Electromagnetically induced transparency of the medium composed of atoms in thermal motion".
2. Xin-Wen Wang, Deng-Yu Zhang, Guo-Jian Yang*, Shi-Qing Tang and Li-Jun Xie, Phys.Rev.A 84, (2011) 042310. "Remote information concentration and multipartite entanglement in multilevel systems".
3. Guo-Jian Yang, Tianhui Qiu, Kaige Wang, and Min Xie, Phys. Rev. A81 (2010) 063817. "Reversible storage of a weak light pulse in a thermal atomic medium".
4. Xie, Min, Qiu, Tianhui, Meng, Jianyu, Yang, Guojian*, J.Opt. Soc. Am. B26, (2009) 2261-2267. "Investigation of a simplified model of storage and retrieval of light in a thermal atomic system ".
5. Xin-Wen Wang and Guo-Jian Yang*, Commun. Theor. Phys.52 (2009) 588-592. "Generation of a four-particle cluster state and perfect teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle state in an ion-trap system".
6. Xin-Wen Wang, Guo-Jian Yang*, Yu-Huan Su and Min Xie, Quant. Inf. Proc.8 (2009) 431-441. "Simple schemes for quantum information processing with W-type entanglement".
7. Xin-Wen Wang and Guo-Jian Yang*, Quant. Inf. Proc. 8 (2009) 319-330. "Controlled teleportation against uncooperation of part supervisors".
8. Xin-Wen Wang and Guo-Jian Yang*, Phys. Rev. A79 (2009) 064306. "Probabilistic ancilla-free phase-covariant telecloning of qudits with the optimal fidelity".
9. Xin-Wen Wang and Guo-Jian Yang*, Phys. Rev. A79 (2009) 062316. "Hybrid economical telecloning of equatorial qubits and generation of multipartite entanglement".
10. Min Xie and Guojian Yang*, Opt.Commun.282 (2009) 1819. "Quantum interferences in coherent population trapping of a cold double -type atom".
11. Xin-Wen Wang, and Guo-Jian Yang*, Phys. Rev. A78 (2008) 024301. "Generation and discrimination of a new type of four-partite entangled states".
12. Guojian Yang, Min Xie and Ze Zhang, Phys. Rev. A77 (2008) 063825. "Effect of vacuum-induced coherences on coherent population trapping of moving atoms".
13. Xin-Wen Wang, and Guo-Jian Yang*, Optics Commun.281 (2008) 5282-5285. "Preparation of multi-atom cluster states in cavity QED".
14. Mao-Wang Lu and Guo-Jian Yang*, Phys. Lett. A, 362 (2007) 489. "Magnetoresitance effect in a both magnetically and electrically modulated nanostructures".
15. Yang Guojian, Xia Lixin, and Xie Min, Commun. Theor. Phys.46(2006) 556. "Atomic Coherent Trapping and Properties of Trapped Atom".
16. Xia Lix-in and Yang Guo-jian*, Phys. Lett.A351 (2006) 242. "Quantum logical gate using a cyclic artificial atom in a cavity".
17. Xia Li-xin and Yang Guo-jian, Opt.Commun. 257 (2006) 298-305. "Coherent trapping of a three-level atom in a circularly polarized light".